
NormaTec is the leader in rapid recovery. The system gives a competitive edge to the world’s elite, professional and recreational athletes, as well as coaches and trainers.

NormaTec recovery boots use compressed air to massage limbs, mobilize fluid and speed up recovery with the patented NormaTec pulse massage pattern.

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Benefits of NormaTec compression therapy

- Lactic acid and lymphatic flushing (removes toxins)

- Reduces inflammation and water accumulation

- Improved and enhanced circulation

- Accelerated recovery, leaving the client feeling rejuvenated and ready for the next training session / game.



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Who would benefit from using NormaTec?

Any athlete who’s partakes in endurance based sports such as; football, boxing, tennis, cycling, basketball, triathlons, hockey, cross fit, weight lifting, swimming and running. 

NormaTec is also beneficial for those who work on their feet all day (nurses, doctors, construction workers). Gravity causes poor circulation in your legs when standing for long periods of time.